Project Deliverables

Project Deliverables

This is an accompanying report of the online Knowledge Database ( of the Science2Society project, whose nature is “Websites, Patents filling, etc.” related to the collection and analysis of models, programs and tools.

This report explains how the data of the knowledge database have been gathered and how the relations among the different concepts have been established.

This brochure includes "real life" experiences from practitioners in science and industry that illustrate best practices in the field of Open Innovation.

Analysing the process of an open innovation can give deep insights of inter alia how the process can be optimized. In D2.1 – the document held at hand – the first steps towards improving the processes of open innovation have been made. The Science2Society project wants to increase the efficiency of the European innovation system and the ways it creates new businesses, turns technology into products and services, attracts financing and generally creates value from academic research. [1] The project focuses on key schemes currently used to encourage the use of innovation.

This deliverable collects the main outcomes of the Science2Society modelling activities based on the 7 Pilots ran within the project. The deliverable consists out of two parts. A first part embodies a Policy Brief and focusses upon How policy makers can facilitate the open approach to innovation, based on Science2Society outcomes.

A second part consists of a collection of Science2Society Blueprints and focusses on the University – Industry Interaction Mechanisms 2.0 which have been deployed within the 7 Pilot programmes.

This report describes the design and the plan for implementation of the pilots in detail.

As a tool to ensure an effective transfer of project results and of know-how between universities, RTOs (research and technology organisations), SMEs (small- and medium-sized enterprises), industry and other relevant stakeholders of the European Research Arena (ERA) as well as to provide a solid basis for optimal dissemination and exploitation activities of the project’s results, marketing-driven applications and professionally crafted materials have been developed.

The EU project Science2Society (S2S) aims at improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europe's innovation stakeholders. Many of the project deliverables are therefore directly addressed to these stakeholders and are designed to provide immediately applicable value.

The web portal,, is one of the main contributions to dissemination activities for the Science2Society (S2S) project. As an initial contact point for both the general public and selected project stakeholders, the portal will present an overview of the work being carried out by S2S, including real-world benefits that can be expected from the project.